The Life of Jesus: a new web log series.
Many thanks to all of you who have been following my web log.
Oh wait. Strike that. Starting over:
Many thanks to both of you who have been following my web log.
I apologize for the lapse in output the last couple months.
So, here comes the Reboot:
The life of Jesus: a chronological history of Jesus, with especial focus his quality of being fully human.
This will be set up in episodes, covering all the material available in the four Gospels and the opening of Acts, with a month-by-month estimated chronology based on a traditional Harmony of the Gospels. When his disciples appear in a particular episode, I will include material on them as well.
You may see material that looks similar to posts I made a year or two ago, and that is by design. I will be using material I have presented in the past, but here will be a systematic chronology of the events that we know of in Jesus' life with a focus on the humanity of the Master.
First Episode Soon! I hope you will enjoy this.